This beautiful Crochet Mountains Shawl Pattern really shows what beauty you can make with crochet. Every part, from the tiny picots to the smooth flow of stitches, works together to make something more than just an item; it's a work of art. Its pretty design and the careful mixing of textures and shapes show a lot of skill and creativity. This shawl pattern is a great example of how old methods can create modern marvels, making any place it's in feel more elegant and cozy.
Crochet Mountains Shawl Pattern
- Yarn: 1 Gradient Cake by Panda Yarns (100% Cotton; 5 ply, 1600 yards). Color: Another Way to Fly.
- Hook: Size G (4 mm) Hook.
- Yarn Needle.
Skill Level: Intermediate
20 stitches and 20 rows of pattern = 4 inches
Finished Size
24 inches by 80 inches
Stitches and Abbreviations
- Ch – Chain
- Dc – Double Crochet
- Dc2tog – Double Crochet two stitches together
- Hdc – Half Double Crochet
- Picot – Ch 3, slip stitch into the base of the ch-3
- Rpt – Repeat
- Sc – Single Crochet
- Sk – Skip
- Sl st – Slip stitch
- Sp – Space
- Yo – Yarn over
Pattern Instructions
Foundation Chain:
- Ch 353.
Row 1:
- Sc in the 2nd ch from your hook and in each st across. Turn. (352 sts)
Row 2:
- Ch 1, sc in each of the 1st 2 sts, *ch 2, sk the next 3 sts, [dc, ch 5, dc] in the next st, ch 2, sk the next 3 sts, sc in each of the next 4 sts; rpt from * across ending with a ch 2, sk the next 3 sts, [sc, ch 5, dc] in the next st, ch 2, sk the next 3 sts, sc in each of the final 2 sts. Turn.
For Row 3:
- Ch 1, sc in each of the 1st 2 sts, *3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, 6 dc in the next ch-5 sp, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, sk the next 4 sc; rpt from * across ending with 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, sc in each of the final 2 sc. Turn.
Row 4:
- Ch 1, sc in the 1st st and in each st across. Turn.
Row 5:
- Ch 1, sc in the 1st st and in each st across. Turn.
For Row 6:
- Ch 3 (counts as a dc), sk the 1st 4 sc, dc in the next st, * ch 2, sk the next st, sc in each of the next 4 sts, ch 2, sk the next sc, dc2tog (working the first part of the st in the next st, sk the next 4 sts and work the second part of the st in the next st); Rpt from * across ending with a ch 2, sk the next sc, sc in each of the next 4 sts, ch 2, sk the next sc, dc2tog (working the first part of the st in the next st, sk the next 3 sts and work the second part of the st in the next st). Turn.
Row 7:
- Ch 5 (counts as a dc, ch 2), dc in the next dc2tog, *ch 2, sc in each of the next 4 sts, ch 2, [dc, ch 5, dc] in the next dc2tog; rpt from * across ending with ch 2, sc in each of the next 4 sts, ch 2, [dc, ch 2, dc] in the top of the turning ch-3. Turn.
Row 8:
- Ch 3, sk the 1st dc, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp, *3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, sk the next 4 sc, 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in the next ch-5 sp; rpt from * across ending with 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, sk the next 4 sc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp, 3 dc in the final ch-5 sp. Turn.
For Row 9:
- Ch 1, sc in each dc across ending with a sc in the top of the starting ch. Turn.
Row 10:
- Ch 1, sc in the 1st st and in each st across. Turn.
Row 11:
- Ch 1, sc in each of the 1st 2 sts, *ch 2, sk the next sc, dc2tog (working the first part of the st in the next st, sk the next 4 sts and work the second part of the st in the next st), ch 2, sk the next sc, sc in each of the next 4 sc; rpt from * across ending with a ch 2, sk the next sc, dc2tog (working the first part of the st in the next st, sk the next 4 sts and work the second part of the st in the next st), ch 2, sk the next st, sc in each of the final 2 sc. Turn.
For Row 12:
- Ch 1, sc in each of the 1st 2 sc, * ch 2, [dc, ch 5, dc] in the next dc2tog, ch 2, sc in each of the next 4 sts; rpt from * across ending with ch 2, [dc, ch 5, dc] in the next dc2tog, ch 2, sc in each of the final 2 sc. Turn.
- Repeat rows 3-12 six times, ending with a row 10 for your final row.
Row 1:
- Ch 1, hdc in the 1st st, picot, hdc in each of the next 11 sts, picot, *hdc in the next 12 sts, picot; rpt from * across to the final 12 sts, hdc in each of the next 11 sts, picot, hdc in the final st.
- Fasten off and weave in ends. Block if desired.