This Crochet Lavender Daisy Flower Bouquet is a delightful project that brings the beauty of daisies right into your home, anytime you want! This bouquet is made by crocheting lovely lavender daisies and arranging them together like a real flower bouquet.
Crochet Lavender Daisy Flower Bouquet
Each flower is crafted with gentle yarn threads that are soft to touch. You can put this charming bouquet in a vase or give it to a friend as a thoughtful, handmade gift. Not only does it add a splash of color and warmth to any room, but it also lasts forever without needing any water! What a wonderful way to enjoy flowers!
Materials Needed
- Crochet yarn (colors as per the flower, leaf, and heart)
- Crochet hook
- Craft wire to support and shape petals and leaves
- Scissors
Crochet Pattern
Small Petal (Make 6)
- Start with a slip knot, then chain 12.
- Add a piece of craft wire.
- Chain an additional stitch.
- Starting from the second chain from the hook, do one single crochet in every stitch until the end of the chain (total 11 single crochets).
- In the last stitch, work 3 single crochets.
- Continue on the other side of the chain by working a single crochet in each space.
- Close off with a slip stitch into the first single crochet to complete the round.
Big Petal (Make 12)
- The pattern is similar to the small petals but larger. Please adjust the number of initial chains and rows according to your desired petal size.
Flower Heart
- Start with a magic ring.
- Chain 1 (not counted as a stitch).
- Work 6 X-shaped single crochets into the ring.
- Close the ring and proceed to increase stitches in every round until you have 18 stitches.
- Continue with consistent single crochets or adjusted increases/decreases as needed to shape the heart.
- Finish off by weaving in the ends.
Leaves (Make 2)
- Start with a slip knot, then chain 10.
- Insert craft wire.
- Chain one more, then starting from the second chain from hook, work 3 single crochets, 4 half double crochets, and finish with 2 single crochets.
- Work one more single crochet into the last stitch, and then a slip stitch.
- Mirror the same pattern on the other side of the chain.
- Close off with a slip stitch and weave in ends.
Flower Torus (Flower Center)
Start with a magic ring.
- Chain 1 (not counted as a stitch).
- Work six single crochets into the ring.
- For the next rounds, continue increasing in each stitch to double the stitches.
After achieving the required size (typically after about 5 rounds), work on the petals:
- Chain 6, then starting from the second chain from hook, work a single crochet, half double, and double crochet respectively.
- Skip to the fourth chain from the last stitch of the petal, attach with a slip stitch.
Repeat this for all petals around the torus.
- Close off by chaining one and cutting the yarn. Weave in the ends.
- Start by placing the flower heart at the center.
- Surround it with small petals as the first layer.
- Add a layer of 6 big petals and then another 6 petals for the third layer.
- Attach the leaves at the base.
- Place the flower torus at the center top of the heart.
- Make sure to secure all craft wire and yarn ends.
- Shape the flower and petals to give a lively, natural look.