Learn the art of crocheting and create a unique Spiral Flower with this tutorial. The pattern teaches essential crochet techniques, such as the magic ring technique of single, half-double, and double crochet stitches. You will need simple tools like yarn and a 3mm crochet hook, and the tutorial will patiently guide you through each step. The Spiral Flower allows for creativity and can add a charming touch to your blankets, hats, headbands, and other accessories.
Making of Crochet Spiral Flower
Here, you can find all the necessary materials and a summary of how to make a Spiral Flower.
Materials Needed:
- Yarn (Lamia Pastel Cotton recommended in the video)
- 3mm crochet hook
- Stitch marker
Pattern Summary
Starting the Center
- Begin with a magic ring.
- Make a single crochet to set the foundation, marking the first stitch with a marker.
First Round
- Inside the magic ring, make two single crochets.
- Add three half-double crochets.
- Finish with seven double crochets.
Second Round
- In the second round, work into the back loop of each stitch.
- Make two double crochets in each back loop around the circle.
Third Round
- Start with two double crochets in one stitch.
- Follow with one double crochet in the next, repeating this pattern around.
Fourth and Subsequent Rounds
- Begin each new round with single crochets in each stitch around.
- Continue increasing the stitches per round by alternating between single, double, and half-double crochets. The video explains increasing patterns to reach 60 stitches by the end of row 5.
Finalizing the Flower
- Close the last round with half-double and single crochets, ending with a slip stitch.
- Cut and hide the yarn securely to finish the Spiral Flower.
This step-by-step instruction focuses on incrementally building the spiral flower's unique form. Starting from a simple magic ring, you alternate between increasing and fixed patterns to crochet a delicately spiraled flower. This pattern enriches any crochet enthusiast's skills with variations in stitching techniques, all while culminating in a beautiful floral design.
Video Tutorial: